The OnPurposeCUBED, Learn-Live-Lead OnPurpose Leadership Development Program IS AND ALWAYS WILL BE FREE. There are no ‘trial periods’, or half-delivered content as a strategy to up sell you to a paid membership; the program is comprehensive and complete with the FREE membership, you do not need anything more to Learn-Live-Lead OnPurpose.
However, we know that some people would like a greater level of support, personalized advice and feedback, and to accelerate their progress. Therefore, we have compiled a few coaching packages to suit a range of budgets and needs.
Please, once again hear our heart, we want nothing more from you than for you to Learn-Live-Lead OnPurpose and hope that you can achieve this through our FREE membership. Check out everything included in the FREE membership here.
OnPurposeCUBED Coaching
We here at OnPurposeCUBED are on a mission to ERADICATE POOR LEADERSHIP by Raising Up the Next Generation of Influential Leaders and we strongly believe that the best way to achieve this is through true discipleship. You need someone to walk with you, guiding you, and holding you accountable. We don’t want you to just learn information and strategies; we want you to be transformed to the point that it is displayed in your behaviour as you Learn-Live-Lead OnPurpose.
We have great faith in the content that we teach and know the program will help many people to Learn-Live-Lead OnPurpose, we also know that the best way for you to be transformed by this course is to…
- Share your new-found knowledge with your peers to develop your ideas in a safe and inspiring environment,
- Be a part of a group that encourages you, identifies the potential in you, and walks with you on your journey to achieve your full potential, and
- Have someone disciple you, someone who you can ask questions to directly, receive personal advice from a place of relationship, and is invested in your growth as you Learn-Live-Lead OnPurpose.
Overflow is the secret to effective discipleship. If you are not being filled to overflowing constantly by someone else, you cannot Learn-Live-Lead OnPurpose by filling others. Let our incredible OnPurposeCUBED Coaches constantly fill you to overflowing.
Other people can hold us back or lift us up. We were not created to do life alone, however, we need to surround ourselves with the right people to Learn-Live-Lead OnPurpose. Join one of our OnPurpose Coaching Programs to grow with people who are on the same trajectory as you.
One of the key things that hold people back from being able to Learn-Live-Lead OnPurpose is the confidence that they are on the right path. Allow our experienced OnPurposeCUBED Coaches to guide you with clarity and hold you accountable to that path.
Often, we can learn great information but hit a roadblock in understanding how to apply that knowledge to our specific situation. Receive individual and personalised feedback from our expert OnPurposeCUBED Coaches to Learn-Live-Lead OnPurpose.

Coaching Packages
Online Leadership Program
(No Credit Card Required)- 60+ weeks of Training
- Research – Backed Leadership Strategies
- Biblically Based Teachings
- Master’s Degree Level Content
- Personal & Professional Development
24/7 Online Training Portal
- Video / Audio Lessons
Offline Mode
Interactive Gamified Learning
- Weekly Missions
- Social Learning (Forum)
- Progress Reminders
- Desktop Access
- iOS Mobile App
- Android Mobile App
Enhanced Learning Features
or $149.99/year*
Become an OnPurpose+ member to unlock additional features to enhance your learning experience and help you Learn-Live-Lead OnPurpose.
- Everything included in OnPurposeSOCIETY
- Weekly Live Q&A
- Weekly Scriptural Motivational Message
Flipped Classroom Model
- OnPurpose+ Badge on Profile Image
- No Lock – in Contract / Cancel at any time
Support the OnPurposeCUBED Mission to continue to provide FREE training to the next generation of influential leaders all over the world.
1 Year Small Group Mentoring Program
12x $219.99/month
or 1x $2,199.99/year*
Join your coach and a small group of leaders OnPurpose to discuss, share, and receive more personalised support on that week’s topic.
- Everything included in OnPurpose+
Weekly Small Group Virtual Meeting (50 mins)
Group Limited to 14 pax
- Accountability
- Strategic Catch – Up Weeks
OnPurposeSQUAD Badge on Profile Image
Support the OnPurposeCUBED Mission to continue to provide FREE training to the next generation of influential leaders all over the world.
1 Year Individual Mentoring Program
12x $700/month
or 1x $7,000/year*
Have a coach personally guide you through the program, helping you interpret the lessons, and apply the activities to your specific situation.
- Everything included in OnPurpose+
Weekly Private Mentoring Call (25 mins)
- Session Time Change (1/quarter)
- Accountability
OnPurposeSELECT Badge on Profile Image
Support the OnPurposeCUBED Mission to continue to provide FREE training to the next generation of influential leaders all over the world.
Your Coaches